


Mp3 Web Template
This template includes 3 picture galleries and 4 mp3 samples pages. The logo displayed above can be easily edited with any text editor to add your name or website name and slogan. Flash software is not required. View this page with a Flash logo. The sounds used in this template are .mp3 files that you can replace with your own .mp3 files to setup this site with your music. All the images are standard .jpg graphics that you can replace with your own .jpg images.
Easy Setup
All menus are plain text that are easily edited to customize all pages in the template for your website project. The right sidebar area is a global Javascript file for quick updates to all pages on the template at one time. Every Allwebco site comes with a comprehensive help page with step by step instructions and details for all template options. You can replace the Flash logo above with your own graphic logo by renaming one file and editing the included logo .jpg image.
Sound Design
The small mp3 player on the intro page is skinnable with any .jpg and can be setup to play any 5 .mp3 songs you choose. All Allwebco templates are built in basic HTML. This means that there is no limit to how many pages you can add, or what the function of each page will be. You can replace every graphic with your own .jpg image. You can also add most any type of script or application and you can change the colors for any element on any part of the template. All the pages you see in this sample are included in the download after your purchase.
View the setup page
View Allwebco FAQ

